mobile home loan services for real estate agents

Marketing & Business Development Services

The California manufactured home industry is a billion dollar business or you might not be reading this. 

We're lenders first, but we are real estate agents too and while we've built a business centered on manufactured homes, we know most agents will only manage a handful of manufactured homes in their career.

MH Value Database for Realtors®

The MH Value Database for California Realtors®

Comprehensive California manufactured home database; it's the secret to our success. If you are listing mobile homes and manufactured homes, this is a tool for you.

Finding California mobile home and manufactured home information and sales data has always been a challenge for buyers, sellers and the agents that represent them.

realtor dealer cooperation program

Manufactured Home Retailer and Realtor® Cooperation

Retailers and Realtors® working together is not something you hear much about in California. We're out to change that.

Thousands of In Park mobile homes across California need to be replaced. If you are an agent that works the manufactured home market, you will come across this home.  What do you do with it?